Johnnie’s Garden
The Art of Urban Farming
“I am a firm believer that one gardens best with champagne on (or in) hand.”
About Me
Blog: Tips & Tricks
Five Gardening Steps for Beginners
So - you've acquired your first patch of dirt, eh?
The Art of Seed Saving
Fall is seed saving time.
Those Peppers Better Turn Red
The days are getting shorter and keeping an eye on your peppers is important right now

Seed Shop
Recounts and poems about my past, my family and my world.
First Trip to the Lake
“If he ever does you wrong - I know people.” How a bass helps a Connecticut Yankee win over his Italian father-in-law.
A story within a story that spans generations with a twist at the end.
Do I know you?
Music at a Mexican restaurant can sometimes be just the ticket.